today's weight: 99.0kg / 218lb / 15st 8lbs
loss of: 0.9kg / 2lb
total loss this year: 17kg / 37.5lbs
I had a bit of a toughie again today - another "almost-binge" averted. I was stressed out and head-spinning - again - I'd eaten one large piece of cake and headed back to the cafe to buy a whole bunch more. Thankfully sanity prevailed, I bought nothing more than a coffee and got in touch with hubby so he could talk me down from the ledge. Phew!
Now I've something you may be able to help me with. I'm struggling to find a consistent calorie estimation for sushi - cooked tuna roll (generally seems to include mayo), chicken teriyaki or salmon and avocado roll specifically. I keep searching and find all sorts of wildly varying numbers, from 30 to 300 for the tuna alone. They rarely say the size. I'm assuming the first is for a small slice and even then seems kinda small, not sure if the latter is a full nori sheet or if it's what I'm looking for. I think the ones I buy are 1/2 a nori sheet in size and they're made with white rice.
How do you count them?
Good luck to all you HYCers. Have a great week.
Great weight loss again this week - well done you!
And well done for not going for those cakes - ringing your hubby was a great move.
I hope someone answers your food value questions.
Hope the head-spinning stress stuff has stopped now too!
Well done you!! <3
Niiiiiiice loss :D Hope its catching. I could do with a 2 pound loss this week.
*high fives* to the averted binge! Wish I had the self control to stop one piece.
I've never tried sushi...
Wow 17 kgs this year - you are going great guns.
I've never found a good estimate for sushi either. On calorie king it's about 300 for a hand roll I think but it's very vague about fillings. I guess if you wanted to get totally accurate, you could work it out for the individual ingredients.
Well done on the loss & bless hubby for talking you down :0)
I've alwasy wanted to know the sushi roll question too! I always allow 5 points for one with salmon (the long roll ones) - but I've never pointed it out properly. Maybe I need to take one home disect & weigh everything???? I like the ones without the mayo!
Well done on the loss sweetie! Even more so for averting a binge crisis. Woohoo! Great idea to call on hubby :)
There is a sushi place in Melbourne Central, one level up from where the entrance to the trains is, but close to the escalators which take you down to the trains. It's a "chain" sushi shop, I can't remember what it is called.
A (very long) while back, I emailed the company and asked them to provide nutritional info for their sushi. At the time I was eating lunch there a few times per week, so it was very pertinent. They wrote back and said that nutritional info would be made available.
Now, if I remembered the name of the place, I could check their website and tell you if they info is there now.
But I don't. Perhaps you do, or maybe someone else can help us both.
thanks everyone
@K not Kay - ooh, perhaps I'll take a wander to Melbourne Central in my lunch hour tomorrow, thank you. I'm impressed you got an answer from them. I've emailed a few folk asking for nutritional information and have never had a response. A couple weeks ago I emailed Grill'd for the lamb skewers and cous cous salads but still haven't heard.
Well done on getting below 100kg! That's such a milestone... I haven't been there in more than a decade!
You are doing an awesome job this year! I stay far away from sushi, so can't help you there.
Path to Health
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