Tuesday will now be my designated weigh-in day.
I'm a tad apprehensive that only a week ago I was fighting the binge-urge with such intensity so this isn't exactly baby steps back to healthy eating and weight loss but, despite being surrounded by chaos in the midst on an interstate move, I'm feeling right good.
Bring it on!
best o luck ani :) just wanted to say thanks for your loooovely email on the weekend, i will write back properly soon, woohoo :)
WOW your pics are an awesome inspiration!! Congrats to you!! I hope to have some like that of my own one day!!
Welcome to the HYC! You'll find lots of support here! Good Luck!
shauna - thank you so much, it really means a lot to me.
irish mom - the "after" pic was from a good few months ago, it's the same weight I'm at now (having lost and put back on) but I'm more blub than muscle these days having not been to the gym for a while so it's there to serve as inspiration for me too.
I will look forward to seeing yours, I've no doubt you'll get there. It's a strange and wonderful feeling to actually take pleasure from your nightmare fat photos.
dadivastreet, yay! thank you it's good to be on board.
I just restarted my own weightloss effort (I joined HYC in January but let it lapse) so know some of what you're going through.
I moved to Japan last year so I know what you mean by the change to kilo! I know we're (I'm from the UK too) officially metric, but no, oh no, not on the scales. Reading though your last few posts you're struggle with supermarket binges sound really similar to mine, good luck to both of us!
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